Aaron Hussain
My Website & Portfolio

Name any car brand or model, from well-known marques like Audi to forgotten ones like ZIL, there is always a chance that I have written about them. I began my journey in the world of motoring journalism since 2016 after writing a review of my school prom car. Since then, I have put my name on a number of different sites and publications.
With a BA honours degree in Journalism at the University of Lincoln and current study in an Masters in Automotive Journalism at Coventry University, my knowledge and experience in journalism is well-trained - and my understanding of the complexities of the automotive industry and history just keeps expanding.
This site was originally created as a project for my final year of undergrad study. Pages with (archive) in front of them were for that assignment! The rest of it is updated, so please feel free to browse and also find me on social media!
For storage reasons, all blogs are now found here:https://aaronhussain440.wixsite.com/aaronhblogs
Twitter: @AaronHcars
Instagram: @aaronh.cars
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aaron-hussain-ba6681199/